Saturday, December 16, 2006
The electro plug continued to stimulate me in my rubber cocoon, frustrating me by not being able to move or do anything about my predicament, my mind started to imagine looking at myself. What a sight I must be for any horny master.
I became aware of straps or ropes being fastened to what I assume were rings down the side of the sleep sack. Gradually I was secured to a frame or something, restricting my movement almost completely. I felt the front zip of the sack open, my rubber cod piece pulled off and my cock pulled out. Moments later the CB2000 was unlocked and removed, quickly followed by my cock getting raging hard! At last I was going to get some relief, something that had been denied me remotely by Master Simon for 5 days now. My cock was being lubed then I felt a sensation of a catheter being inserted and a ring being forced over the head of my cock. Next my balls where yanked down and a clamp fixed around them. My lower back was unzipped and pads stuck onto my buttocks and the small box slipped in there at the club removed and I was then zipped up again. I now knew what was happening, I was being set up for a more intensive electro session, confirmed as I felt the tit zips opened and clamps fitted.
I became aware of familiar smell of poppers, faint at first but soon increasing to a heavy and continuous dose from something like an aroma soaked cotton ball placed in my gas mask tube. My body gently relaxed under the influence of the poppers just as the electrodes started to torment my cock, balls, ass and tits. The stimulus made my whole body jolt as the electrical pulse passed up and down my body. The intensity increased several times to the point where I was screaming for mercy into my gag but to no avail, there was no let up. The poppers came again giving some slight relief as fought against my restraints trying to get away from this amazing sensation. When would it end? I was now regretting agreeing not to use a stop word, but that didn’t prevent me begging through my gag and gas mask. I concluded that either no one could understand me, or worse, I had been left alone to suffer!
The electro torture continued far beyond what I thought my limit was. I began to understand now what it really felt like to be under the control of a master, something I particularly wanted. I continued to struggle and was now sweating heavily causing the rubber in contact with every part of my skin slip and slide over my body very sensually. I realized that there would be no let up until Master Simon decided, and I was no longer able to influence my future. I cant imagine how long this went on for, but for the first time in my quite considerable experience of SM, I completely accepted the power of my master over me and began to take pleasure from what I presumed was his enjoyment in my suffering.
Eventually, the program was changed and the intensity reduced to a level that normally would be quite intense, but after what I had endured was very horny. At the same time my position was altered so I was suspended on my front at an angle of about 30 degrees to horizontal. I felt my gas mask hood being unzipped, the removed. The gag was deflated and the second hood removed. I should have become aware of my surroundings for the first time, but the sweat inside my inner hood was running into my eyes. I heard Master Simon ask ‘Enjoying your holiday boy?”. “Er, Yes Si..” was all I got out before his rock hard cock was thrust into my mouth. Still high on poppers I was again treated to his almost perfect rhythm of fucking my face, allowing me to catch my breath between thrusts, but more I expect to do with him taking pleasure from this orifice of mine. I felt my ass being unzipped, the plug was pulled out and quickly replaced by another hard cock which started pumping in time to the one in my throat. Was this to be my future, restrained, being spit roasted and electro tortured in an unknown dungeon? I hoped so!.
I was wondering where the third guy was when I felt the electrodes on my cock being removed and it was sucked into a willing mouth. The experience was unbelievable being allowed gratification while being used for the pleasure of two others while restrained. I am not sure who came first, but I must have shot half a pint of cum down the throat of the guy on my cock.
I was exhausted, and just like every other time I had cum, I now wanted out of my restraints and rubber cocoon, but before I was able to ask for release, the hood and gag were re-fitted and I realized that I was to be staying like this for a while to come. The tit clamps were removed, I was zipped up front and back again, then rolled over so I was now suspended on my back. “time for your drink boy” I heard a voice say as I liquid was fed through the gag into my mouth. It tasted ok, I think it must have been an isotonic drink, just what I needed right now. The liquid kept coming, forcing me to drink. I had been fed like this before so knew I could stop the flow by pressing my tong into the hole in the gag to allow me breath and digest my food. Eventually the drink was all gone, and I lay there alone with only my thoughts. I was in a new mind set of a compliant creature committed only to my masters pleasure, I was relaxed and content being exactly where I wanted to be at this point in my life, and despite the uncomfortable conditions I was being held in and soon drifted off to sleep.
I woke several times during the night, wriggled to try to release myself and called out to anyone within ear shot for release. All to no avail, I was held securely and if there was anyone nearby, they were ignoring me. This was the first time I had been kept all night in a rubber sleep sack, I say kept as I didn’t fell like I got much rest, let alone sleep. Sleep I must have though, since at some time I was awoken by a bolt of electro stimulation in my balls and buttocks from the electrodes still in place. Nothing like the experience from last night, but I was fully awake in no time and again being frustrated by my predicament when I heard Master Simon’s voice again. “your first lesson is to learn not to complain, so the sooner you learn to shut up the better”
I was lifted back to the vertical, the gas mask hood re-fitted and almost immediately the poppers were back. As they took affect, I felt the electrodes being applied to my still stiff cock and pierced tits again and then the plug re-inserted into my ass hole. I so wanted to keep silent, but the distress of the stimulation from the electrodes soon had me screaming in agony. “didn’t you hear me boy” Master Simon shouted “you will be silent”. With this I felt the business end of a whip strike my buttocks bringing me to my senses immediately. Some how I had to control my reaction, so I bit hard on the gag and suck in the calming vapors from the poppers and tried desperately to obey. This was the hardest thing I could remember, accepting the continuous suffering from the electro torture and the sharp pain from the whip each time it struck. I realized that the sooner I obeyed master’s order to suffer in silence, the sooner I would be spared this anguish, so concentrated on controlling myself.
The suffering went on and on, but gradually the throbbing of the electro stimulation becoming more acceptable, and the sting from the whip was almost pleasurable coming randomly over my ass, back, legs and chest. I could sense my screams had subsided to grunts and whimpers, which if I could control them enough, perhaps master would not be able to hear me through the gag, hoods and gas mask. There was still no let up from my treatment, but I was determined not to fail this first test, and called on every bit of self control to overcome this ordeal, eventually resulting in being spared the whip, then my electro control box being turned down and ultimately off. I was turning into a willing recipient of my masters sadistic actions and despite the soreness was enjoying every minute. I was left hanging for some while longer before I heard Master Simons voice “that’s better boy, you should remember this lesson, as I will not tolerate any relapse”.
I must have been in my rubber suit for about 15 hours by now, and over 12 of them in this sleep sack bondage and 2 or 3 hours subjected to electro torment. Fortunately Master Simon had decided to allow me some relief for now as he had lots of plans for later. I was lowered until I my feet took my weight, the electrodes and plug were removed, restraints loosened, gas mask, gag hood removed and the long rear zip opened. I was helped out of the sack, weak from my ordeal and allowed to sit on chair. I stayed there for some while taking in my surroundings through the pepper pot eyes of my hood. As I had expected I was in a dark dungeon, with a number of mirrors on walls and the ceiling, a huge range of implements stored around the perimeter and a daunting amount of equipment around and about.
I was helped from the chair, still shaky on my feet after all the poppers and the confinement of the sack and lead to a large bathroom. “you have one hour to have a piss, douche out your ass hole, clean yourself and that suit up and get back into your rubber ready for its next outing”. My collar was unlocked and the guy left, locking the door from the outside behind him.
I slipped the hood part of my suit off and sat down on the toilet while my eyes adjusted to the relatively bright light. I had a piss while I contemplated how I should do this. I decided that I would relax in bath, then could wash out my rubber suit in the luke warm water once I had finished. While the bath was running I undressed and noticed a web cam in the corner of the room and a big sign on the wall ‘Don’t try to cum, your cock belongs to me…Master Simon’. I got into the bath and after relaxing for a while, washed myself and shaved all over. I cleaned out my rubber suit and hung it up to drip dry while I brushed my teeth. I douched out my arse, then went back and dried the suit with a towel. I found some latex polish and talc and prepared the suit as instructed, and put it back on. Once again put on my 20 hole DMs and collar. I glanced in the mirror thinking, you sexy thing, admiring myself and noticing my cock hardening under the rubber. The door opened, a hand reached in and attached a lead and I was pulled out of the door.
I was taken back to the dungeon and told to sit on a rimming stool. The guy with me went over to a shelf and got down a leather doggie hood, then proceeded to put it on me. Next the mitts were pushed on requiring me to make a fist before they could be pulled on completely and locked. I was encouraged to put my arms out straight in front so the arm binders could be laced on meaning I could no longer bend my elbows. I was moved off the stool and pushed down onto all fours, then my ass zip was undone and the tail inserted. Lastly the guy brought over a pair of special Bermuda shorts, complete with knee pads and cock and ball sheath. With some difficultly they were worked over my boots, up my thighs and over my tail. They were well lubed inside, but it was still struggle to get my cock and balls into the sheath. I quickly realized how special these shorts were as it was now all but impossible to straighten my legs now. The guy fiddled around with something in a pouch on the belt of the shorts before declaring “that’s it boy, your ready to meet your master”
I had been chatting with my Master Simon on the internet for about 3 months and as the time for me to submit to him approached, I felt I had already given my sole over to him by revealing my feelings and deepest desires. My first act of submission had been to have my nipples, septum and tongue pierced to match my PA. My routine outside of work was changed to concentrate on physical improvement and mental preparation our meeting. I was put on a high protein, low fat diet, had a vigorous exercise routine set and of course my sexual relief restricted. I was instructed to install web cams in each room in my flat so Master Simon could observe me via my computer when ever he wanted.
The Friday evening came, and after arriving home from work tidied up my flat and prepared myself for my 2 weeks holiday. Master Simon told me to pack my leather jeans, chaps and shirt in a black leather ruck sack. I would not need anything else.
I showered, douched my arse and shaved my entire body. I took a look in the mirror and thought to myself that although I was in pretty good shape at the outset, after 10 weeks under the instruction Master Simon, my body form was now fantastic. Before leaving the bathroom, and with some difficulty, I worked my semi hard cock into the CB2000 I had been ordered to wear. A cold shiver came over me as I picked up the first padlock my new master had sent me, but after only a moment clicked it shut. That was it, if I didn’t go through with this now, I would have to get the tool box out to release myself.
My rubber suit was laid out on the bed, shinning from the work I had put in earlier and ready lubricated to take my smooth form. The suit had a full length rear zip, cock hole & cod piece, attached gloves, socks and an integral hood with mouth, nose holes and pepper pot eyes. I slipped into the thick rubber suit stopping short of pulling the hood over my head. I took the plug, specially bought for the occasion, lubed it up and gently worked it into my arse. The master had specified the plug, which was bigger than I would have chosen for being in place for what I expected to be a long time, but those were his orders.
I was on the final lap of my preparations as I laced up my 20 hole DMs, put on my black hooded top, black nylon over trousers and leather jacket. This concealed enough of my rubber covered figure for the journey by bus to the club. That was it, I was ready. I took £10 for the bus and entry into the club, my front door key, ruck sack with my leather gear in and I left for my fait. My mind was racing as to what I was just about to experience.
I arrived at the club, took off my over cloths and checked them with my bag, mentioning to the guys on the desk that I was planning to leave with my master so he should expect someone else to collect my gear. To my surprise, the guy asked “are you Joe?”, “yes” I said, he replied “Simon is already here waiting. Have fun boy”. I pulled the hood over my head, fitted the collar and locked it shut then went in. It was just about 10:00pm and the place wasn’t that busy, so I bought a bottle of water with the change I had left as my mouth was dry with the expectation of what was to come.
I wandered away from the bar towards the darker area where I had been told to wait for Master Simon. I had been told not to look straight at any of the guys there, but fortunately I was the only guy in full rubber with red laced DMs and a studded, locked collar so was confident that Simon would spot me straight away. I found the corner that had been described behind three oil drums, and stood facing the wall with feet apart, head bowed and hands crossed at the wrists behind my back ready to be cuffed. I suppose I stood like that for about ten minutes when a guy approached, reached round and grabbed my chastity encased cock at the same time as sticking two leather clad fingers in my mouth and pulling my head back and pressing his body against mine. “Your being here tells me that you are ready to submit to me”. It was Master Simon.
He spun me around, shoved me into the corner and before I knew what had happened felt hand cuffs being locked onto my wrists. He whispered in my ear, “Simon says suck my cock“ and pushed me down onto my knees. He unzipped his leather jeans and pulled out his semi hard cock. I opened my mouth and took the business end of his 8 inches and started to work at hardening him up. I smelled poppers held under my nose, took a couple of deep breathes then as they took effect his now hard cock deep was making its way into my throat. This was great, I was in full rubber, hands cuffed behind my back with my new master’s cock being forced down my throat in the corner of an SM club. He stated forcing his cock deeper by rocking me and forth with both hands around my head. The rhythm gave just enough time between thrusts for me to catch a breath and every few minutes he slowed and more poppers were fed too me. This carried on for what seemed like ages, It felt fabulous with the rhythm being just perfect, then I felt his cock harden and his cum pumped out straight into my stomach. He held his cock down my throat just long enough for me to realize he was in control now, then he slowly pulled out allowing me to breath again.
I stayed on my knees for a few minutes while my master put his magnificent cock away, then realized he had attached a lead to my collar. He helped me to my feet and leads me across to an alcove where he sat next to two other guys in full leather. “Get down and lick my boots boy” was his instruction, “Yes Sir” and I immediately dropped to my knees to comply. They were gleaming DMs, but I licked furiously to please Master. I could hear the three guys asking Simon about me. “This is a new one that I have just got, want to help me break him in?”. “Yeah” came two replies, “I suppose we had better get started then”. With that one of the guys took the lead from Simon and pulled my hooded face into his crouch. I was lifted off my knees by the other guy and but bent over and legs spread. My mouth being introduced to Gary’s cock as my arse zip was being undone. I got a good dose of poppers as my plug was pulled out and replaced by Bills cock. I was to be spit roasted, and after a good 10 minutes of huffing and puffing from these two guys, they came within less than a minute of each other. Gary made me lick his cock clean while bill replaced my plug. It felt different, not quite as big and harder than the rubber plug I had been wearing. I felt a small box being slid up my back inside my rubber suit just before I was zipped up. As I realized what this was, I felt a slight tingle that confirmed it was an electro plug!
Almost simultaneously, another rubber hood was being forced over my head, this time with no eyes and a gag. I soon realized that it was an inflatable gag as it filled my mouth, but was relieved to discover it had a breathing tube through the middle. The tingle in my arse intensified all of a sudden to a deep throb and I my senses dulled as I got a good whiff of poppers and was forced to my knees again.
I couldn’t believe it, here I was, a rubber slave in an SM club, cuffed, blind, gagged and plugged, having sucked two cock to climax and taken another guys cum up my arse and being played with by three guys that I didn’t know. Fantastic!
I was turned around, now with my back to the bench I had last seen Simon sitting on and a pair of legs wrapped around me. I felt the zippers over my tits being opened and my recently pierced tits were pulled out one of these guys started working on them. Another dose of poppers, the intensity on the electro plug increased as I writhed around between a powerful set of thighs with my cock now trying to burst out of its CB2000 enclosure. I was screaming into the gag with a feeling of near utopia unable to escape and subjected to successive amounts of poppers, absolute bliss.
What seemed like an age, but was probably about 15 minutes, the poppers wore off, the electro gently declined ad the tit work stopped. I was pushed down, still on my knees but bent over now as I realized I was to be used as a foot stool. There I stayed for a while longer when suddenly it was time to leave. I felt a hand reach into the top of my right boot where my bag check token was, then I was pulled up to a standing position by my lead. Two of the guys took me by the arms and frog marched me off. Suddenly the music got quieter as we moved out into the lobby, then I felt the cool air around my rubber form as I was taken out of the door. This was quite welcome as I had been sweating a lot over the last hour or so. They had taken me out of the fire exit, although I had no idea of knowing at the time with my hoods in place, then was bundled face down onto the floor of what I assume was a van. The cuffs were removed my arms were guided into some sleeves as I realized this was a rubber sleep sack. I was zipped in without delay and felt yet another hood being pulled over my head and zipped at the back. The noise from my breathing became the most significant sound I could hear as I realized the last hood had a gas mask attached. I was rolled over onto my back and felt some straps being applied. With three layers of rubber encasing my head now, I didn’t hear the engine start, but just felt the movement as the van pulled away.
What had I done? I had been taken from a relatively public place and was on my way to an unknown fate. How did I feel? Well strangely I felt warm, safe and secure with only my imagination to keep me company. After a while I could tell that the van was now out of town and on a motorway. I had lost all sense of time or direction long ago and was unable to do anything except wait with my senses severely restricted. The only distraction I had was my electro plug which had been set on random soon after I had been put in the sleep sack.
Eventually the van stopped and I felt the straps that had held me secure for the journey loosen, and I was pulled out horizontally onto a board which I assume was mounted on a trolley. My captors wheeled me away and I felt the warmth of what would be my prison for the foreseeable future. I was attached to a winch as I felt myself being smoothly lifted until I was suspended still in my sleep sack. There I was left, with no idea where I was or if anyone was still with me.

LOAD (12/16 - 10PM) at the 9th Avenue Saloon (656 9th Avenue at 46th Street) is a Gear Fetish Party sponsered by the NYboL (New York boys of Leather). For more info or to be added to NYboL's mailing send an email to newyorkboysofleather@gmail.com.
Friday, December 15, 2006
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Monday, December 11, 2006
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Ah fuck, what the hell did I get myself into this time? My arms, back, ass, mouth, cock, hell, every fucking thing is sore. I'm naked on my back in an empty store. I turn to my side and rub sleep from my green eyes. I'm staring at what's left of my shirt; it's ripped to shreds. I look for my green bomber jacket and boots. I can't find them, fuck. My head hurts. I slowly try to sit up, but the room spins. I fall back down onto the cold stone floor and welcome sweet oblivion.
Saturday night brings out all of the punks and skins to Second Street in my hometown of Pomona, California. The Glass House is packed as my favorite Oi/Punk band takes the stage. I go nuts in the pit as hot young sweaty bodies collided into me and I collided into them. A Skinhead in tight jeans, Gripfast Boots, and just a white wife beater keeps running into me. He slaps my shaved head, which turns me on. We lock eyes and I can tell that he is gay. He licks his chops and eye balls me like I'm a big juicy steak. He locks on to me and we join arms. Arms locked over our shoulder we steam roll the pit knocking punks and skins aside. I've got a huge grin on my face as we knock the shit out of everyone. I glance down at his crotch and notice that his bleached jeans can barely contain him. I'm close enough to smell his pits. Fuck! They smell good. It's the sweet smell of fresh young sweat, faint traces of cheap soap and the musk of a teenager that doesn't shower that often. It drives me wild. I break out of his grasp and we beat the shit out of each other as the band plays on.
After the show, I'm hanging across the street on the grassy knoll with the other locals. I'm smoking a cigarette and drinking a beer that I hide in my jacket between gulps. My homeboy, a punk in a studded leather jacket with green sleeves, asks whoÔs the Skin that's standing in front of us. I recognize him from the pit; his thin fit body is covered with sweat. He asks us to score him some beer. I jump up and offer to buy it for him and homeboy whispers to me that he might be a narc. I tell him it's cool, he's straight and I want some Skin to Skin action. He backs off and goes to make out with his girl friend. I get up and lead the young Skin south on Thomas Street and west on 3rd.
When we get out of sight of the crowds and down 3rd I push him against a wall of a closed down store and kiss him. He is surprised, but he wraps his smooth white arms around me. I move my hands all over his body end with them on his tight firm ass, as we push our tongues down each others throats and taste each other. "Well what do we have here? Two fucking faggots," bellows a large black skin. I release my new found skin boy and look up at the source of the voice. There are six of them both skinhead and punks. Their braces are down while they have their fists up. Fuck, they're six of them and two of us. Damn if we were at the knoll it would be twenty to six not counting the fresh cuts. Fuck, if my home boys were here, fuck it I've been beat up before. I gently push my Skin Boy behind me and raise my fists. The six bashers spread out and form a half circle around us. I get into a fighter's stance, while my muscles bulge and tense up. I tell my Skin Boy to run he doesn't move. I whisper to him that I'll hold them off, so he can escape and get my pack at the knoll. I turn and stare each basher in the face. A fist slams into the back of my head knocking me to the ground. Boots kick my head and I'm out.
"Get up bitch, Danny boy, you did good. You got us one nice piece of ass." I'm dazed, but the hand on my ass brings back everything. I try to spring up, but I'm shoved down. "Bitch you ain't going nowhere. Shut up, bitch!"
"Yeah, fucker you belong to the East Gay OC Skins now." Continue reading here...
I wasted no time as I would only have a few seconds. Chris had just went to go put a letter in the mailbox. I raced into his bedroom searching for his size 12 white Nike shox running shoes. There they were under a pile of his dirty clothes. Just as I thought they were still loosely tied so he could just step into them with a slight tug. I pulled the knots out leaving them untied and threw the sweaty socks that were almost under his bed right beside them after I took a long hard sniff.
I knew Chris had not done laundry in while. I wondered how many pairs of clean socks he had left, if any. I peeped out the window and saw he was returning back from the mailbox. I had only seconds left. I opened his sock drawer and saw a single pair of clean socks inside. I quickly stuffed them in my pocket and returned back to the living room in front of the television.
I knew that shortly Chris would still go out for his morning run even if his left hand was in a cast, broke in two places. It would not stop him. He was what I would refer to as a super athlete. He was about 5'11 and 215lbs of solid muscle. His shoulders were broad, chest was smooth, and stomach rippled. He had honey brown eyes and short golden brown hair that was just long enough to make you want to run your fingers through it. In fact, had his eyes been blue, he would have passed for Nick Lachey's twin brother.
The front door opened and Chris kicked off sandals by the door that we both took turns wearing to the mailbox. In fact, I couldn't remember if they were mine or his but the fact that his feet was in them often made me almost get hard when I wore them to the mailbox.
Chris went to his bedroom and I could hear him open his dresser drawer. I hoped he would not recall his last pair of clean socks. I waited nervously to be questioned if I had borrowed any of his socks, which was not uncommon. Little did he know that often I borrowed his sweaty worn dirty socks while he was not home to indulge in some of my own fantasies. So many of his dirty worn out socks had been over my cock and against my nose.
You may be wondering why I would go untie his shoes. I knew with a cast on his hand, he would have to ask me to tie his shoes if he couldn't just slip them on. I had helped him with so many little things that we all take for granted since he had broken his hand. Sure enough he came out of his room wearing the dirty socks I had tossed near the shoes, with the shoes in his hand. He sat down beside me and I could feel my cock stiffen as he raised his foot up. I could see a dirty footprint on the bottom of his sock. With little trouble he raised the tongue of the left Nike shoe and slipped his foot inside the well worn sneaker. "Need a little help there tying your shoes?" I asked as I grabbed the other shoe off the floor. I wanted to be the one who slid the shoe on his other foot just so I could have a good excuse to put my hands on the right socked foot!
"Yeah, if you don't mind," he replied as lifted his feet and placed them on my lap. My cock was so hard I couldn't have stood up for anything, nor did I want to. I wished that I could stay right there forever with his feet in my lap. I could smell his sweaty worn sock. I wanted to lick his socked foot. I wanted him to force his socked foot in my face. I wanted him to make me taste every bit of sweat and smell of his mighty feet. I wanted him to fuck my brains out while he gagged me with his sweaty socks. But most of all, I wanted to CUM so badly. Continue reading here...
One night, when I got home late from a party it happened. I was 18 at that time and did not have any sexual experience at all. I had been dating some girls, but it had never really been to my satisfaction and had never slept with anyone of them.
My Dad is in his forties and still very attractive. He is in the army and a very straight guy. I had been attracted to him for a long time, but had never dreamed to imagine what happened that night.
I had been out and returned home sometime well after midnight. I left my car in front of the house and silently opened the door. I did not want to wake anyone up, so I also took off my shoes. The house was dark and silent. I took my coat of and flung it over a chair. Suddenly a noise broke through the silence and from the kitchen I saw the dim light of the fridge. 'Someone of the family was in the kitchen and getting himself a midnight treat' I thought.
Whoever it was must have heard me, in spite of my attempts to be silent. So I went to the kitchen to see who it was. By the time I reached the door, the light was gone and I could only see the outline of someone standing in front of the fridge. Through the darkness we were staring at each other.
Neither of us said a word. All I could hear was the person breathing. It was odd, because normally we would have greeted each other or said something else, but we just stared at each other.
I walked closer until I was standing right in front of him. Now I could see, that it was my Dad. We were looking straight into each other’s eyes. He was only wearing his boxers and I could make out a bulge in them. His muscular torso shone in the light that came from the street and there were little drops of sweat all over him. He saw that I was looking at him and that my cock was getting hard in my jeans, too. He was breathing heavier.
I knew that I had interrupted him doing something. Everything was silent around us.
Then slowly, he placed his hand on my shoulder. I felt him pushing me down. I gave way and slowly went to my knees. My face felt the heat of his body. The smell of his sweat reached my nose and got straight to my head.
I breathed heavily against his chest and felt my own cock throbbing in my pants. Finally I was on my knees, with his boxers right in front of me. I took a deep breath. The smell of his sex was in the air. I looked up at him and saw that he was watching me. His right hand was still on my shoulder. His left was now caressing my cheek and slowly moved to my chin. He inserted his thumb into my mouth and opened my mouth wider.
"Pull 'em down", he whispered. Although I could barely hear him I knew it was a command. I lifted my hands grabbed his boxers on both sides. In the dim light that found its way from the streetlights through the window my Dads eyes got a little spark in them. I looked him right into the eyes when I pulled his boxers down to his ankles. I moved my face closer to him and suddenly felt his cockhead brushing the right side of my mouth.
With one hand, my dad was still holding my chin, with the other he touched the back of my head and forced me onto his crotch. I took a deep breath when I my nose was in his pubic hair and inhaled the smell of his sex, sweat and semen. Then he pulled me back and looked down at me again. The expression on his face was serious. Almost a little grim and full of pure, raw lust. His mouth was open a little and I could hear him breathe heavily.
His prick was incredible. Nine inches at least, straight, thick and clean. His cock was uncut and his foreskin was revealing a perfect mushroom head, covered with pre-cum.
The only light in the kitchen came from outside. We were two male figures in the dark. Father and son. One kneeling in front of the other with the dick in his face. Through the dark we were still looking at each other. Fixed on the other one’s eyes. Continue reading here...