Stressed form the day at the office i might want to relax a little first, but instead i know i am not supposed to sit around and go immediately downstairs into the basement. Passing the laundry and utility room i get into the playroom that is down there. On a bench there were laid out a bunch of clothes. I strip my daytime clothing and fold it neatly together, placing it on a shelf next to the bench, only remaining is a chastity belt, which i am wearing almost permanent since a while.
I start looking at the prepared clothes. They are different from what i was wearing yesterday, so my master must have laid them out there after i left for work this morning. They are there in the order i am supposed to put them on, so at first i put in the plug that is laid on the bench, it is not a large one, but for sure big enough to be felt constantly up my ass. Once it is slipped in place i put on a rubbershort, almost 2 mm thick rubber, very resistant, this way the rest of coming clothing is protected from any possible harm by the steel chastity belt and the plug is kept in place as well by it.
Next laid there are a pair of arm long rubber gloves, a snug fit as if they were made for me. I know why i have to put them on at first, that way once all the rest is on i won't be able to take them off under all the other layers. Following now is a full rubbersuit, feet attached, but no gloves or hood with it. I lube up the suit and slip my legs in, smoothen out any wrinkles there are and process further all up to the chest, slip my arms into the sleeves, make sure all wrinkles are smoothened again before zipping it up at back. It has a little collar at the neck, so i am up to the neck in rubber now. Next laid there is a thin rubbermask with a zip on the back, it has open mouth, nose holes and eyes. It was made to measure so it fits perfectly on my head. I open the zip of the suit a little and stuff the neck of the hood inside and close up the suit again.
The next item laid out is a pretty large gag with a short breathing tube inside, i put it in my mouth and buckle it shut on the back, snug enough to keep it secure inside the mouth, i know my master would not want me to be able to push it out at all. Even though i already start sweating all covered up in rubber now, i know i am not yet done. The next item on the bench is a pretty heavy and thick black aquala drysuit. It takes some time to get inside and makes me sweat even more, but finally i slip my head to the attached open face hood and close the heavy zip on the back. The next item on the bench is a small padlock, it is not easy to reach but i know i have to lock that zip of the drysuit on to a specially added ring on the drysuit side, and since the keys of any padlocks in this house are not with me, i won't be able to open it myself anymore.
The following item now is a gasmask hood, a British gasmask with attached hood to cover all of the head, i slip it over the already twice covered head and zip it down on the backside. The breathing tube is short enough to fit well under the gasmask. Now follows a wide posture collar, making further movements of my head rather difficult. Two additional padlocks are laid out there to lock the collar and since it covers the zip making it again impossible to take off that gasmask hood. Now following are a pair of waders, two numbers larger than my usual boot size, but the feet of the drysuit add to my own size, so these ones fit perfectly over this outfit now. The next to put on is a pair of steel ankle shackles, just large enough to squeeze the booted legs inside, for sure now way to slip out of those or try to slip the waders out under them. The cuffs are linked with a 30cm long chain and are as well padlocked. Now i put on another pair of arm long rubber gloves, this time very thick industrial rubber though. Last piece laying there is a pair of steel wrist shackles linked with a 20cm chain to put on at the front, again snug fitting over my wrists and both padlocked.
At some days there is a note left for me for further instructions, but today there is none, so now that i am converted back into the object i am, the rubberslave and servant i have been converted to some time ago, i know what i have to do. My master will return at some point and i know where and how he wants to find his rubberobject then, but also one of his standing orders is to have a coffee ready for him at his arrival. With limited size through the gasmask, limited movement through the chained shackles and sweating already pretty heavy in my daily rubberskin i walk upstairs again into the kitchen. I prepare one cup of coffee, since i am not allowed to take anything for myself (not that i would be able to drink any in my current coverage) and when it is finally done i put it into a thermos cup to keep it hot for his return. I don't know when he will return, it could be any second or even just late at night, to me it does not change the way i prepare myself and his coffee. I place the cup in the table in the living room and get back out in the hallway.
There in the corner are several hooks and padlocks. I first padlock the chain of the ankle shackles to the hook on the floor, standing about one foot away from the wall, face towards the wall. Two shots chains from the wall fixed near the corner are mounted just in the heights of my collar, and i padlock them on both sides of the collar, since they are just in a well measured length, thy keep my head focused on the corner, unable to turn it around. Last to do is to padlock the chain of my wrist shackles to a hook in the corner - i cannot see it due to the restrictions of my head with the posture collar and chains, so i have to feel my way there, not an easy task either with the heavy rubber gloves on, but i manage to padlock that chain as well and am now standing there helpless, unable to go anywhere, unable to turn around, sit, bend, not even scratch me if it itches since the hands are unusable fixed too.
That is the place i have to be at the arrival of my master, and i have no idea when this will be. Sometimes he returns late in the night so i have to stand there all night and wait, sometimes he returned early but still does not take notice of me and leaves me there too all night, but that no longer matters for me, i have given up any power over my movements, any freedom of choice some time ago, and this is just another part of my current enslavement. He is to do as he sees fit, i am degraded to a rubberobject for him and his will.
He often brings friends or other slaves and bottoms home, leaves me standing here while having his own fun, or displaying me here in the corner, telling everyone that i am not to be taken notice of, i am no longer a human being with associated rights, but just an object, part of his house and furniture. But also when coming home alone, he often just watches TV or sits at the computer and takes no notice of me either. But if he needs my services - cooking, cleaning or any other service, then he releases me from this place and orders whatever he needs, i am to obey any given command - that's my purpose of life, that's what i have been made into.
Usually at weekends, the Saturday during daytime is devoted for me to do the usual housework, all the cleaning, washing, ironing and whatever else needed to keep the place in perfect state, but of course i have to do all those chores as well covered and chained. Since i was transformed i haven’t been free very often anymore, only occasionally when he takes me out to bars or parties, i am unchained, unhooded and covered by an army overall, unfortunately the public is not dealing too well with a slave it it's full outfit on the busses and streets. But once arrived at the destination i never get to stay free there either. The least happening it to get gagged, hooded and chained again there, sometimes allowed to kneel next to him, waiting to fetch a drink for him or his friends when ordered, sometimes just chained into a corner for the evening. Sometimes on larger events he adds even more restraints, straitjacket and also sometimes closes the eyes of the mask/s i wear, keeping me on a chain hooked to his belt to follow him wherever he cruises through the event. It is no longer for me to enjoy the events or bars or crowds at the event, i am only his object, the object to show off, to chain up or if wanted to use as he sees fit.
Some of the events we have been since my conversion i do not even know anything about. I could not tell where they were or what they were like. I was prepared, dressed up, blindfolded and chained at home already and taken there in a cage inside the boot of a van of some friends, there lead around on the chain hooked up to my master (or maybe even one of his friends, i could not tell). Sometimes i was displayed as sort of decoration to such event, tied up, chained up, cages, suspended, various ways and just left there all evening for the event. And at some point taken back home in the same cage again, so depending on the time of travel i can only imagine a few possible locations, but cannot tell anything about who/where/what on those events. Still i appreciate being taken with my master to those events, he could just as well leave me chained up at home while going there alone, but since he takes his object with him, it makes me feel very proud, proud to be shown as his object and slave. Even though i think many friends or visitors of parties, clubs and events do not even know who i am, since i never have been seen uncovered, unpacked, unchained, but that does not matter to me, since i have no longer any identity, i have been degraded to an object and slave, HIS object and slave, and that is all there is, so what the people see, this chained and rubbered object is what i am and what i will be forever.
Sometimes even at evenings or weekends i am on duty for work, having to be available for remote working in case of emergencies. Nevertheless i am still locked up and packed up, just chained and tied on a chair all day and night in front of the computer, waiting for an emergency to occur. Or if he is so gentle to allow me out of my isolation, training y brains by reading/browsing internet or has work for me to do on the computer, managing his sites or other errand tasks, i spend the time well packed and chained as well there on the chair. And if you have no further distraction or ways to go, imagine how efficient one can be at this sort of work then.
I am standing here in the corner for at least 2 hours now when i hear the door being unlocked, my master finally comes home. But i hear other voices too immediately when he enters, so he is not alone. I hear him say again that they should not take any notice of his object and they go right into the living room. After some more time my master returns and starts unlocking me from the corner. I turn around and drop down on my knees as i have learned it. He tells me they are getting hungry and he expects a dinner for four in 30 minutes. He turns around and goes back to the living room, I wait for him to be around the corner, since i am not allowed to be off my knees in his presence, unless explicitly ordered or tied/chained in a way where i am unable to be on my knees. Then i get up and chains rattling make my way into the kitchen. It is not easy to cook in this outfit and chains, but i have learned to cope with it, since i haven't really been without it many times out of work. Since 30 minutes is not a long time i get some simple dinner fixed up for 4 persons and while it is cooking get the dinner table prepared too, plates, cutlery, glasses, several fresh drinks, beer, ready to serve the dinner when it is ready.
Once it is done i serve it on the plates and when finished go over to the living room and kneel next to the chair of my master. Gagged as i am i could not announce the dinner being ready, but i would not be allowed to speak anyway, objects do not talk when not ordered to. My master knows dinner is ready and tells his friends over to the dinner table, He orders me to follow. I follow behind my master and when everybody is seated i fill their glasses with what they order me. Once all set i get down on my knees near the table and wait again.
They take their time and i am waved over only for refilling their glasses in-between, and once they finished and went back into the living room i started cleaning up the kitchen again. After i am finished i go back to the living room too and take my place again next to my master’s chair on my knees. This time i do not have to wait long as he immediately gets up and orders me over to out 'special' table. It is not really a table, instead a box with a larger plate on top and in the middle a hole. He opens it and orders me inside, starts fixing my chains to hooks inside the box and then closes it again with my head sticking out on top, the wide posture collar making this hole a very tight fit around my neck, so that i won't be moving the head at all now. He waves his friends over and they all take a seat around this table. They decided to have some rounds of poker tonight. For a few hours now i am sitting in that box sweating heavily, facing my master and listening to their poker play. At the begin they played for chips, then later for real money. No high amounts but yet at some point my master ran out of cash and started bidding my services in exchange.
It was not a good night for my master and he lost quite often and when they finally stopped playing i have been traded for 3 weekends bottle boy in one of the guys leather bar, 10 full housecleaning of one other of the guys and decoration for the net 3 large events - throughout the entire event, meaning not just one evening - in town which are organized by one of the guys too. Some bottom or boyfriend would surely not like being traded like that, but since i am nothing else but an object, a salve to do as ordered, this is the use that can happen and i will gladly make sure my owner will not be disappointed or badly reflected by his property. Knowing my master i am already aware that i will not perform these extra chores free, but instead packed and restrained as usual, it would have been rather strange if i would not be kept like that for these chores too.
Once the guests left i was released out of the box and ordered to clean up, which i did immediately. When i finished i went back to my master and got on my knees as usual. He then took off the padlocks of the collar, took off the gasmask hood and also the gag. As much as i like encasement, still it is always a pleasure to have at least a short time some air around the skin again. He told me to feed myself now and drink enough for the night too. I went into the kitchen and got myself some nutritious crackers, a few spoons of the leftover dinner and drank enough water, since i dried out pretty much sweating all evening. When i was done i returned to him and got on my knees again. He immediately placed back the gag, hood and collar, all well padlocked again. He ordered me to take off his boots and put them away. Then he ordered me to follow him down into the basement.
Down there he took off the wrist shackles. I placed my hands on my back immediately since that is where they have to be when not tied or busy with chores. I waited then kneeling there, head bowed so not watching what he did. He unfolded our rubber sleepsack on the bench. It is a special made sleepsack, very heavy and thick rubber and large enough to fit above other layers, since he never really planned to have me in there naked anyway. He ordered me to get inside that sleepsack, place my arms in the inside sleeve and then he zipped it up to the neck. There are 8 additional heavy straps from top to bottom around the sleepsack, he buckled them all tight and then attached the d-rings on the side of all straps to hooks on the bench with padlocks. I would for sure not fall off the bench and more sure not be able to get anywhere as well. Once finished he left the room, switching out the lights on his way out. I know i am here now until the next morning, when i am released in time to get showered and dressed up for work in the office again. At weekends or in holidays i never know when i get out of the night-preparation, whether he wants me around or do chores or just leaves me where i am, but during weekdays unfortunately the office calls, one day there will be no more need to go there, and then i will never have to look or behave like a human, but instead be allowed to remain this object i am.
At the beginning it was difficult for me to find any sleep so well packed and locked away, but after some time i got used to it and the body took what he needed anyway, you will sleep more or less well as much as the body needs it. So yet another usual day in the life of this former human, now rubbered object and slave, has ended.
If you wonder how i feed and use my toilet - during office time i have enough time for these necessities and one can get used to fit those needs into that time of the day, it takes some time to get adjusted, but once it is done it relieves the master from having to unlock his toy for such human things. And if you wonder how i got into this situation, how i became transformed form human to object ...
It started out as a play only, i agreed to be kept sealed and tied as object and decoration for an extended weekend, it was a great experience and i enjoyed it a lot, so did my master. We wanted to repeat this more often and for the next time he asked to be at my place instead of his. He had all his suitcases filled with anything he wanted to seal and lock me in when he arrived for a weekend, so once again, but now in my own house i was held and decoration and rubbered object for him. He wanted to continue this and we agreed to him visiting for a week holiday, agreed into keeping me locked up during my free time out of work and during the weekends. Already that week was just like i am living now, no more human treatment, but degraded to an object for him and his will, but at the end of his visit he told me that he will continue to keep me like this if i agreed on him to move in. Who could reject such an offer .... Since that time i have spent any time out of work as his object. Dressed and packed as he orders and wishes, i haven’t done anything or worn anything he did not choose or order. He took over any daily business of mine, financial care (with the money i earn in my job), care for anything left human for this object, so that i would no longer have to worry about anything but being his object. This happened a few months ago, and the longer i live as his object, the less i can imagine being returned to a human again, deciding for myself what to do with my free time ... I actually long for the day when i won't have to go to the office anymore ... then i finally will have finished my conversion into his object, will finally be able to get rid of the last human parts of my life and be there only for his desires and will, be his object and servant to do as he sees fit ... for permanent ...
Ah fuck, what the hell did I get myself into this time? My arms, back, ass, mouth, cock, hell, every fucking thing is sore. I'm naked on my back in an empty store. I turn to my side and rub sleep from my green eyes. I'm staring at what's left of my shirt; it's ripped to shreds. I look for my green bomber jacket and boots. I can't find them, fuck. My head hurts. I slowly try to sit up, but the room spins. I fall back down onto the cold stone floor and welcome sweet oblivion.
Saturday night brings out all of the punks and skins to Second Street in my hometown of Pomona, California. The Glass House is packed as my favorite Oi/Punk band takes the stage. I go nuts in the pit as hot young sweaty bodies collided into me and I collided into them. A Skinhead in tight jeans, Gripfast Boots, and just a white wife beater keeps running into me. He slaps my shaved head, which turns me on. We lock eyes and I can tell that he is gay. He licks his chops and eye balls me like I'm a big juicy steak. He locks on to me and we join arms. Arms locked over our shoulder we steam roll the pit knocking punks and skins aside. I've got a huge grin on my face as we knock the shit out of everyone. I glance down at his crotch and notice that his bleached jeans can barely contain him. I'm close enough to smell his pits. Fuck! They smell good. It's the sweet smell of fresh young sweat, faint traces of cheap soap and the musk of a teenager that doesn't shower that often. It drives me wild. I break out of his grasp and we beat the shit out of each other as the band plays on.
After the show, I'm hanging across the street on the grassy knoll with the other locals. I'm smoking a cigarette and drinking a beer that I hide in my jacket between gulps. My homeboy, a punk in a studded leather jacket with green sleeves, asks whoÔs the Skin that's standing in front of us. I recognize him from the pit; his thin fit body is covered with sweat. He asks us to score him some beer. I jump up and offer to buy it for him and homeboy whispers to me that he might be a narc. I tell him it's cool, he's straight and I want some Skin to Skin action. He backs off and goes to make out with his girl friend. I get up and lead the young Skin south on Thomas Street and west on 3rd.
When we get out of sight of the crowds and down 3rd I push him against a wall of a closed down store and kiss him. He is surprised, but he wraps his smooth white arms around me. I move my hands all over his body end with them on his tight firm ass, as we push our tongues down each others throats and taste each other. "Well what do we have here? Two fucking faggots," bellows a large black skin. I release my new found skin boy and look up at the source of the voice. There are six of them both skinhead and punks. Their braces are down while they have their fists up. Fuck, they're six of them and two of us. Damn if we were at the knoll it would be twenty to six not counting the fresh cuts. Fuck, if my home boys were here, fuck it I've been beat up before. I gently push my Skin Boy behind me and raise my fists. The six bashers spread out and form a half circle around us. I get into a fighter's stance, while my muscles bulge and tense up. I tell my Skin Boy to run he doesn't move. I whisper to him that I'll hold them off, so he can escape and get my pack at the knoll. I turn and stare each basher in the face. A fist slams into the back of my head knocking me to the ground. Boots kick my head and I'm out.
"Get up bitch, Danny boy, you did good. You got us one nice piece of ass." I'm dazed, but the hand on my ass brings back everything. I try to spring up, but I'm shoved down. "Bitch you ain't going nowhere. Shut up, bitch!"
"Yeah, fucker you belong to the East Gay OC Skins now." Continue reading here...